Pozvánka na webinár o telepráci

Ilustračný obrázok - spolupráca na Národnom projekte PERD
Predĺženie oprávnenosti realizácie NP Prevencia a eliminácia rodovej diskriminácie
24. mája 2021
Kreslený obrázok k UN WOMEN Generation Equality - neplatená práca v domácnosti
Výzva na vyplnenie dotazníka o neplatenej práci v domácnosti
3. júna 2021

Pozvánka na webinár o telepráci

Ilustračný obrázok k webináru o telepráci, zobrazuje unaveného pracovníka z domu

The #AskTheExpert webinar on ‘The rise of the telework generation – What impact for working conditions?’ will take place on Thursday, 3 June at 10:00 Irish time (11:00 -12:00 CEST). 

Our experts Oscar Vargas and Tina Weber will focus on issues relating to working remotely, the right to disconnect and the impact on working conditions. The session will be moderated by Mary McCaughey. Below are a couple of sharing options:

  1. Email your networks of contacts, pointing to the webinar event page and encourage your contacts to register at https://www.eurofound.europa.eu/events/asktheexpert-webinar-rise-of-the-telework-generation
  2. On social media channels, you can choose to repost or retweet the following webinar announcements – just click in on the below and share:

If you require any additional information about the event, feel free to contact Mans or myself.

Thanking you in advance for your kind cooperation. 

Bernice Turner
Communication Officer
Information & Communication (I&C)Bernice.Turner@eurofound.europa.eu
+353 1 204 3167